Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My name is Kaylyn! I go to Jackson High School. I've lived in Jackson my whole life! I love it here! I'm 17 and a senior this year! I'm excited to get out of school and start a new chapter in my life! But it is a little scarier than i thought it'd be. I'm still not sure what I'm going to be when I get out of school! It might seem like I have a long time, but this year will go alot faster than I think it will. I think I'd like to be a nurse. My dream is to work with children. I would really like to open a daycare. But in the mean time I need to be a nurse and earn money to open something like that. I love kids. I love to be around them. I enjoy being around them. The best thing about them is watchin them grow up and watch how they get personalities.
I have a boyfriend, his name is Justin. He is wonderful. We have been dating almost a year and a half. It seems like we've been together longer though. We were friends before we ever started "talking." No one ever believes me when they hear how me and him started "talking." Trust me on this one ok? TROY HITE!!!! Yeah i know. He's not very smart, but for some reason he thought that me and Justin would be great for each other, and guess what.....Troy was right for the first time in his life (besides about cars).
I have a brother, Michael, and a sister, Charity. My brother is going to be 25 in November. My sister is going to be 22 in September. When we were little Michael and Charity would fight, but me and Michael never fought. My brother always had people over when we were little. Charity always had a broken bone. Charity has been to the emergency room 25 times. I'm being completely serious. She has broke her right leg twice, both her arms, all her fingers, all her toes (two twice), bust her knee cap twice, cracked her nose, stepped on a rusty nail that went all the way through her foot, got cleated in the eye while playin soft ball, cleated in the knee also (same knee), busted her eye, wrecked on a fourwheeler and got a concution, and cracked her tail bone by falling out of a tree. My brother actually broke one of her legs. She jumped off our shop roof and then Michael bounced her and she flew off the trampoline. I was funny to watch but when she started screaming I got really scared. We are pretty much an accident ready to happen. The only broken bone I've ever had was a rib. I also busted my head open.
When I was in 7th grade I was out of school for a week and a half because I had something usually you don't get until you get old. Shingles. That was the worst pain I ever remember having!! I woke up crying one morning and went to the emergency room and they ran a number of test on me and finally found the answer. They could hardly believe it. If you are not familiar with shingles it is a virus that comes from chicken pocks and it bands to your nerves and pretty much destroys them. In my case it started in my back and when from the middle and it took up about half a foot of my back. It was alot of little patches that hurt so bad. They would itch and I couldn't scratch them because they hurt too bad. The doctors said since I was so young when i got them, I'd probably have them two or three times again. I hope they are wrong though.
I think I've had it pretty good though. My dad works and my mom has always stayed at home. She's always been there. They are the greatest parents ever. They try to get us everything we want and need. I love them so much. It's going to be hard to leave when I'm through with college and everything. But I know they will always be there for me no matter what. As well as Justin. I want us to be together another few years before we even think about our future together. I would like to wait until we are both through with college and at the beginning of our new careers. As much as a love him I just don't think I am mature enough to make a decision like that right now. It's a very import decision. I've been lucky to have my parents. They never fight. I want that in my family one day. My sister is getting married in April. I'm very excited, but im going to miss her.
I don't really have any plans for the future because I know when the time comes I have all these people that love me to help me. I know that everything will always work out. I like to make everything possitive. Just because something may start out bad, it usually becomes something good.

my first blog

This is my first blog!